Please bring the following items and place in the collection boxes in the fellowship hall.
October 4 – Box of mashed potatoes and packet or jar/can or gravy or scalloped or augratin potatoes
October 11 – Boxes or packages of stuffing, flavored rice, or flavored noodles/pasta
October 18 – Canned Green Beans and Corn
October 25 – Canned Sweet Potatoes, applesauce or fruit
November 1 – Cake or Brownie mixes, can of frosting
November 8 – Other kid-friendly items such as cereal, cans of ravioli, macaroni and cheese, soups, etc.
November 15 – Money for meat, milk and eggs
Typically through your donations and monetary gifts, these food boxes provide a holiday meal for a family plus food for two-three additional days. Depending on the size of the family or if there are children, not every box is identical. If you would rather just make a cash donation, the shopping will be done for you. Please give your donations to Debbie Brewer.